I lied. I told a terrible, vicious lie and I hope you will
all forgive me for it. Earlier, when I said that I only had one post left, I
lied straight to all your faces (literally, since you were likely looking at a
screen reading my words, my melodious voice ringing in your head). This is not
my last post. There will be one more (this time I am telling the truth, I
promise). But I had to write this post. Had to. It occurred to me today, while
visiting my neighbor and dear friend Alex, that someone very important has been
left out of these blogs. It seems to me that “shoutouts” or mentions in the
blog have become something of a treat for people. I didn’t necessarily intend
it this way, but I am glad that people recognize references I make and that
they enjoy any “airtime” they might be getting. On the flipside to this are, of
course, all the people who have yet to make it in. This is not an insult on
those people. Au contraire. It merely means that your time has not yet come (hi
Stinkydog!). But it will. Sooner or later I promise!
The reason I had to write tonight’s post is because if I did
not mention this person, I feel as if a part of my “story” here on Utila would
not be complete. So, without further ado, blog meet Viviana. Viviana…oh wait,
you’ve already met. A lot!
Viviana is the mother to my friend Alex and a very special
person. She had been staying with Alex for most of the time I have been here
and has only recently left, to return again in a few short days (she needed a
vacation from her vacation, who can blame her!). Most on the island know her
simply as the Whale Shark Goddess, for when she was on the Old Tom they were sure to have a significant whale shark sighting.
Day after day after day. After day. It got a little ridiculous actually. By the
end of the “perfect week”, people on the dock were actually getting annoyed
when Old Tom would return and all
aboard would be whooping and gushing over their glorious encounters with the
magnificent creature. I’ll admit, I rolled my eyes a time or two. But only out
of jealousy.
Alex and Viviana are two wonderful women that I have been
truly blessed to be able to spend time with while on the island. Being wholly
“normal” people (normal is a very, very good thing on this island. It means you
don’t have an addiction, besides monkey la la’s of course, and it means that
you would actually function in a real society. Normal people are shockingly
rare here). Ahem, let me start that sentence again. I hate continuing a
sentence after a long aside. Being wholly “normal” people, I am quite certain
that spending so much time with them kept me sane. And healthy. But for the
fresh veggies that they so lovingly prepared I would likely be veggie free
since ’93. And dead.
The three of us had many a fun night together, watching
Lifetime channel movies, talking about how I should maybe, sorta, kinda start
my map, or playing Settlers of Catan. Oh yes, I taught them how to play. One
day I found a travel Settlers board in a random box and you better believe I
snapped that up quick. One night, when a friend of theirs named Ethan was
visiting (have I mentioned him? Can’t remember), we decided to break it out.
Our only mistake was waiting until eight pm to start. As those who have played
know, the first game often takes hours due to all the rule explaining. That
being said, I am not sure I have seen two beginners (Ethan had already played
before. Although, with his trade decisions, you could hardly tell. Kidding!)
pick up the game faster. It was remarkable. Alex stormed her way to a victory
and left the rest of us whimpering in defeat (don’t worry, I put her in her
place the following evening. Several times. And boy was that one spicy
enchilada). It was almost like being home, playing Settlers with the family.
Those will be times and memories I look back on fondly for a long time to come.
What more do you want in life besides Settlers and Monkey La La's? Nada. |
And so, you can see why Viviana needed a post. My Utila
story would not be complete without it. Like I said, they are remarkable women,
mother and daughter. Viviana reminds me, in a lot of ways, of what my
grandmother must have been like as a mother forty years ago. Always quick with
a smile, always making those around her happier and fuller. Heck, Granny,
you’re still like that! Viviana, I thank you for the special times. I
especially thank you for that delicious meal you cooked Ethan and I.
Yuuuummmmm. I hope that you will take this post as a demonstration of how much
I enjoyed spending with you, and I hope that some day we will get to dive
Pinnacle together. Like Alex said today, there are a lot of Pinnacles in the
world, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be here! Until then, I wanted to make
sure you lived on eternally in the pages of my blog. I know it is a dream come true.
I am sad that I will miss her return, but I know that all of
Utila will benefit from it. And maybe, just maybe, Alex will get to see this
whale shark that we’ve been talking so much about.
Until next time,
Gringo with dear, dear friends that only occasionally make
fun of his gringo-ness signing off.
I actually read your blogs in the voice of Morgan Freeman.